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Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2005
You know, I read my previous entry again. Had to admit to myself that it was probably the most expressive thing I�ve ever dared to put out online concerning me, even though a lot of it was about Beth.

It wasn�t easy to do, for me, and I suppose I could have gone even deeper with it and really flayed a few corpses with the cat o�nines.

I�d also like to thank an old time reader whose work I admire almost as much as her very heartfelt advice and observations from time to time. Thank you Dichroic.

That dark entry was so much fun, let�s just do her again.

I�m very much wondering how much longer I can make entry�s having any semblance whatever of the upbeat. Or the humorous, or the witty things that happen in life. I�ve been sputtering along looking for them for several months now. If I had one or two, rest assured I�d toss �em on the fire and hit send and things might be mirthful for a while.

Man. I don�t think I�ve ever had a day worse than this one that didn�t involve the death of someone close to me. And very few people who I can count as being close to me have died in my lifetime. Even in death I could count their passing as a blessing of sorts, since they lived terrifically long lives and made a wonderful difference to their families before succumbing to sickness or just plain old age.

I had to go to court today and plead for a continuance so that my little Corporation could continue its floundering ways for another month. A money issue.

I had to go to another, more sinister court, and wait for my heart to break as the judge passed a ruling on my 17 year old son. He could easily have gone to jail. He has a history, he has addictions and demons that he doesn�t understand and can�t seem to shake. Ally and I as parents have grieved over this and held each other late at night more than I can tell you. I can also tell you that we refused a lawyer. That even at the edge of allowing our son to go off to a kid�s prison we were not going to sneak around, to coddle and whine and expect leniency on Ben�s behalf simply because we had a stunning legal defense. There was no defense, any more than there was money to buy one. Sometimes it�s stand-up time, and Ben got a whopping dose of that today.

Ally and I had our one moment when the lady judge peered down at us and said, �You know, I appreciate your honesty.� I think she was a little taken aback by it, and made a decision that was more than fair. Ben might be fucked for the next year or so but he�ll be getting his personal exorcism on - outside of locked cells.

I came home after 6 hours of this, stopped by to catch Stu and go over a little job we�re going to start tomorrow. He happened to be at a local Hole with his wife, and it was a brief exchange, we set a time and checked our ammo so to speak. Pretty routine.

Couple hours later I was at home waiting for Ally and the end of the day.

You know, I wrote about 200 words about what happened next and just zapped them all, just now. I�m not going to go there in the sort of detail that would make sense of it all. Suffice to say that I had a confrontation with a drunk person who made accusatory statements about money, the Company, my general trustworthiness, the roses on my kitchen table and the license plates on my car.

It was heated and ugly. Sometimes it�s safe to say that a persons innermost feelings come out when they�re inebriated. And no, it wasn�t Stu, but it was his closest representative and it wasn�t the first time this sort of thing has happened. Just the worst.

I went from glooming over my son to a state of anger that scared me, and even while trying to hold my temper during an epic, one-sided screech fest I had a piece of me standing aside watching all the drama, the rational one. It�s usually the one I trust my gut instinct to in times like these.

Rationally, the Corporation is over. If there�s that much bad blood seething under the surface there�s really little point in continuing.

I�d like to think we�ll do a few jobs, finish out the month of April perhaps.

Or it�s possible that we won�t ever do another thing, and there will be an auction next week to put the whole shebang to rest.

Money makes for strange and awful behavior folks.

But I�ll starve before it becomes the number one thing on my plate.

God I�m seething right now. Hours and hours later.

So then. How was your past two years day?

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