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Saturday, Sept. 24, 2005
Fred and Ethel have made landfall.

I was trying to think of a word descriptive of the events of the past week, and "riot" kept coming up, but I'll post long and heavy in a couple of days and let you all decide.

There are pictures, oh yes. It's entirely possible that the Outfoxed one himself will grace the screen, as well as several of the characters old and new.

My records and notes are concise, the uploads are warming up in the bullpen. If you ever wanted to learn about cruisin' as related by the common man, now's your chance.

Especially if you ever wanted to spend a week gettin' chased around the Caribbean by a Cat 5 hurricane, and a bunch of Florida wimmen.

But I'm beat. That was hard work.

And I'll tell ye.

The sun's awfully pretty over Jamaica on any random evening.

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